Friday 5 September 2014

Now that we’re all grown up, we can say, without a doubt, that school was the best phase of our life. What made it more memorable was our teachers- especially the quirky ones, the ones who made us laugh, and the ones who gave us more than just lectures and grades. They gave us training in how to deal with the real world that lay outside our school gates. Seriously, what would our lives be without our school teachers?
Here are a few typical dialogues our teachers uttered in class. These are surely going to send you down memory lane.

1. Why are you making so much noise? Is this a fish market?

2. Why did you forget your homework? Did you forget to eat in the morning too?

3. Why are you laughing? Tell us the joke, we’ll also laugh

4. Do you think we teachers are fools?

Note: Do NOT answer that question. Especially if it’s a yes.

5. If you want to talk, get out of the class. Don’t disturb the others.

The others ARE talking with me. Sigh.

6. Can you speak loudly? Didn’t you have breakfast today?

7. In a Hindi class -> “Hindi mein baat kijiye.”

Ji, masterji.

8. When the entire class laughs at someone asking questions, the teacher goes “There are no stupid questions”

Phew. Now I feel less stupid.

9. (When kids were caught misbehaving) “Is this why your parents send you to school everyday?”

I wish I knew the answer to that one.

10. “Yes, I’m talking to you. Stop looking back.”

Oh, oh. Lag gayi.

11. “If you don’t like to study then why do you come to school?”

I have no idea. Really. None.

12. “You are the worst batch I have ever taught.”


13. “Do you want me to call your parents?”

*Sulks in a corner*

14. “Show me your book. What are you doing there?”

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

15. “Why are you looking outside? Am I standing there?”


16. “Your sister/brother is so quiet. Why are you like this?”

STOP the comparison. STOP IT.

17. “Okay, be quiet, the principal is coming for rounds.”


18. “Why are you dragging your feet? Are you old?”

*Stands up straight* No, ma’am.

19. “If you study hard in this class, I’ll give you the next period free.”


20. “SILENCE!”

*Real silence*
It is these teachers who made us laugh during school, and made us cry when we bid them goodbye. So, wish all your teachers a very Happy Teachers Day, and let them know what a wonderful example they are setting for generations to come. :)

Top 20 Favourite Dialogues Of Every School Teacher In India

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