Thursday 9 May 2013

Ratings:3/5  Review By:  Madhureeta Mukherjee  Site:Times Of India (TOI)
Sonam Nair's 'coming of puberty' film handles simple issues sensitively, though it doesn't delve too deep. The subtlety appeals, but we wish there was more drama packed in the second half, with a better climax. Teenagers will probably find a slice of their life in Gippi, and adults might protest to such 14-somethings extreme indulgences in fashion, hot-bods and green-tea diets. The mom-daughter moments exude emotions and shed the typical broken-home baggage. Overall, a simple story that stays pre-pubescent and doesn't quite grow into the high-school of stories. Moral: Be yourself, love yourself - fat, frumpy or Gippi!
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Gippy Movie Review : Madhureeta Mukherjee

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