Friday, 19 April 2013

Ratings:1.5/5  Review By:  Kanika Rajani  Site:Bookmyshow
As if the film’s theme and trailer are not enough to make you want to roll your eyes and giggle, `The Host’ begins on a creepy note with close-up shots of blue-eyed humans who have been taken over by an `external species`. Barely minutes into the film and you can’t help wondering if Stephenie Meyer herself was occupied by a ‘host ‘ while writing this novel. To add salt to injury, you’re anyway saturated by the umpteen films being made about the end of the world and the human race nearing extinction, but this film has a larger problem and that is its highly ambiguous genre. There are times you feel like you’re watching a teenybopper romance and others when you feel like you’re watching a fantasy flick. One thing is certain, the film will primarily appeal to teenagers and Stephenie Meyer fans or perhaps fans of the fantasy genre. However, there’s no guarantee that if you’ve liked the Twilight series, you’ll like `The Host`. Yes, that’s precisely how disastrous the film is.
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The Host Movie Review: Kanika Rajani

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    1. time pass movie... good to go when you want to spend time with someone very special movie is slow and calm and moreover go for morning show if your running out of money you can get the show in 100 bucks that's what it worth.....


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